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Decaf: Colombian Sugarcane - 250g Roasted Coffee, Decaf, Bespoke Products for American Express, LUSH Hair Lab Coffees

GrindsWholebean, Espresso, Stovetop, Aeropress/V60 1Cup, Clever Dripper/V60 2 Cup, French Press, Batch Brew

Our Colombian Decaf is sourced from three vibrant communities: Risaralda, El Carmen in Huila, and VillamarĂ­a in Caldas. Decaffeinated naturally with a local sugarcane process, this coffee preserves its rich, nuanced flavors, offering smooth caramel notes with a touch of cocoa. Each cup reflects the unique landscapes and dedication of these communities, making it a perfect, caffeine-free choice for decaf drinkers who seek quality and authenticity.